
COMING FALL 2024 – Estimated November

Delivery Method

Resources, Tools (In progress)

  1. What Path Do I Take? – This 60-minute workshop gives an overview of the different avenues. This includes whistleblower reporting, to all of the external complaints paths (BC Human Rights Tribunal, OIPC, Ombudsperson, TRB), to media options, to Section 11 appeals. I’ll be discussing the pros and cons, challenges and strengths for each route. I’ll also be discussing what you need to look out for and how to protect yourself during the process.
  2. BC Human Rights Tribunal, The Who, What, When, Where, Why and How. – This 60-minute workshop is about ALL the little tricks of the trade that I learnt along the way that I really wish I had known before I started.
  3. Stuttering and the Duty to Accommodate in Education – This 60-minute workshop is for parents, teachers, SLP’s and people who stutter. We will examine how the duty to accommodate applies to students who stutter. Timed speeches, reading out loud, bullying and assessments based on oral participation will all be discussed as well as what ableism looks like for people who stutter. This is a workshop I have done multiple times at stuttering conferences. This topic isn’t discussed enough. The Human Rights Code applies to kids who stutter in school. Post-secondary students too!

** I operate through the lens of a Family Life Educator. What that means is that the “expert” is you. You are the expert in knowing your family, yourself, your situation and your child. I provide the information but you are the one who reflects on what is being offered. You will be the one making the decisions and deciding what to do with that information, keeping in mind what you believe is best for your family, yourself and your child. I am offering you the Sunday brunch buffet of information options, and you select what you want to put on your plate.

Good to Know Information Before Attending a Workshop(Parents/Guardians only)

  1. I highly recommend that you change your name on your Zoom profile for when we all “meet”, and please do not turn on your camera. I might be doing it in a webinar format, just to make things easier.
  2. I will never collect any of your personal information except your email address to send you the workshop link and you for workshops, there is a waiver outlining expectations and terms.
  3. During the workshops or emails please do not give me any information about your case. Please do not talk about any identifying details in your questions. This is for your protection. Why? If I were to know about your case or your identifying information and the school’s lawyers know we are in contact, they can make an application for my notes and they can potentially put me on as a witness. It is for your protection that we do not have a communication trail of emails that personally link you to me that would be relevant to your case.
  4. You can ask questions by unmuting yourself and asking verbally, or through the chat box. If you would like, you can also email me in advance and I can read out the questions and answer them in the workshop to ensure complete anonymity.

$10 per parent workshop – 60 minutes

No one will ever be denied due to income.
If you have any concerns with the fee, please email me.

American Sign Language – If anyone wants me to do the workshop in ASL, please let me know.

Recommended Options for Internal School Advocacy Support

IEP/Advocacy Support – Jenn Scharf